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【xtj.com.cn】新天进公司 New Tianjin Technology & Development Co. Ltd.  


关键词:天津市新天进科技开发有限公司 天进公司 新天进石化 石油化工 天然气化工 煤化工 炼油 化肥 精细化工 医药 农药 食品 冶金 环保 行业 分离工程 化工分离 蒸馏 精馏 吸收 解吸 解析 萃取 换热 反应精馏 研究 开发 设计 制造 咨询 服务 工业 电子 溶剂回收 金属 陶瓷 波纹 规整 塔 填料 塔填料 金属填料 丝网填料 陶瓷填料 规整填料 波纹规整填料 金属波纹规整填料 陶瓷波纹规整填料 TJH填料 TJH tjh填料 tjh tjb tjs TJB TJS WSY板花填料 wsy板花填料 塔板 塔盘 jcpt塔板 JCPT塔板 jcv塔板 JCV塔板 vfv塔板 VFV塔板 jcpt JCPT jcv JCV vfv VFV 浮阀塔板 改进的MD塔板 改进的多降液塔板 IMD 塔板 imd塔板 IMD imd 全有效区错流塔板 气体折流塔板 4A塔板 4a塔板 浮阀 传质单元 传质 TJCW除雾器 angel vane-type angle vane type 普通丝网除雾器 丝网除雾器 折板 折板除雾器 除沫器 除沫网 破沫网 除尘器 捕沫器 液体分布器 分布器 再分布器 收集再分布器 槽式分布器 盘式分布器 管式分布器 液体收集器 收集器 防壁流圈 填料支承 填料支撑 填料压板 填料压圈 支承 限位装置 催化反应精馏构件 催化反应蒸馏构件 阻火器 高效 塔内件 产品 填料塔 板式塔 流体力学试验台 流体力学实验台 冷模试验 热模实验 冷模实验 热模试验 ISO9001质量保证体系认证 ISO9001 质量保证 体系 认证 iso9000 ISO9000 iso9000复合式填料塔 并流喷射式复合塔 并流喷射填料塔板 全有效区塔板 新型高效除雾器 静态混合器 油水分离器 物系 苯酚 对苯二酚 邻甲酚 对甲酚 间甲酚 二甲酚 硝基 硝基甲烷 硝基乙烷 吡啶 环氧乙烷 环氧丙烷 PO EO 环氧丁烷 硫化氢 硫醇 二氧化硫 二硫化碳 二氧化碳 硫氧化碳 甲硫醇 乙硫醇 甲硫醚 二甲基亚砜 乙硫醚 环丁砜 萘 呋喃 四氢呋喃 糠醛 氧 氮 空气 空分 氕 氘 氚 重水 同位素 同分异构体 同系物 氮氧化物 一氧化二氮 四氧化二氮 二氧化氮 一氧化氮 一氧化碳 氟化氢 氯化氢 盐酸 氨 硝酸 HNO3 hno3 NO2 no2 CO2 co2 CO co 烟道气 脱硫 烟气甲胺 乙胺 二甲胺 一乙醇胺 二乙醇胺 乙二胺 苯胺 甲酰胺 乙酰胺 丙烯酰胺 酰胺 氢氰酸 氢氟酸 HF hf HCl hcl HCL 乙腈 丙烯腈 丙腈 丁二腈 丁腈 己二腈 甲酸甲酯 甲酸乙酯 乙酸乙酯 乙酸甲酯 乙酸乙烯酯 甲酯 乙酯 丙酯 丁酯 甲酸 乙酸 醋酸 丙烯酸 丙酸 甲基丙烯酸 正丁酸 异丁酸 戊酸 己酸 油酸 硬脂酸 苯甲酸 对苯二甲酸 pta PTA 顺酐 顺丁烯二酸酐 马来酸酐 富马酸 醋酐 丙酸酐 丙酐 乙酐 邻苯二甲酸酐 酸酐 丙酮 甲基乙基酮 甲乙酮 甲丙酮 甲基丙基酮 甲基异丙基酮 环己酮 甲基异丁基酮 苯基乙基酮 C1 甲烷 C2 乙烷 C3 丙烷 C4 异丁烷 正丁烷 液化石油气 液化气 LPG lpg C5 异戊烷 正戊烷 C6 己烷 CH 环己烷 C7 柴油 煤油 汽油 润滑油 石脑油 重油 原油 C10 C10芳烃 烃类 芳烃 醛类 酯类 醋酸酯 乙二醇单乙醚醋酸酯乙二醇单甲醚醋酸酯 环己烷 乙烯 丙烯 丙二烯 1-丁烯 丁烯-1 异丁烯 丁二烯 丁烯 戊烯 庚烯 戊二烯 环戊二烯 双环戊二烯 异戊二烯 环戊烯 环己烯 乙炔 丙炔 乙烯基乙炔 丁炔 VAC VCM 苯 甲苯 乙苯 苯乙烯 邻二甲苯 间二甲苯 对二甲苯 甲基苯乙烯 正丙苯 异丙苯 丙苯 三甲苯 四甲苯 均四甲苯 偏三甲苯 偏四甲苯 丁苯 正丁苯 异丁苯 仲丁苯 特丁苯 联苯 二苯甲烷 四氟乙烯 氟甲烷 癸烷 硅烷 四氯化碳 二氯甲烷 一氯甲烷 三氯甲烷 四氯甲烷 氯乙烷 五氯乙烷 六氯乙烷 氯丁烷 氯甲苯 二氯甲苯 三氯甲苯 四氯甲苯 五氯甲苯 氯丙烷 氯丁烷 溴甲烷 溴乙烷 溴丙烷 氯乙烯 碘甲烷 碘乙烷 碘丙烷 邻二氯苯 间二氯苯 对二氯苯 氯苯 氟苯 苄基 苄基苯 邻硝基氯苯 间硝基氯苯 对硝基氯苯 硝基苯 甲醇 乙醇 丙醇 丁醇 戊醇 戊醇 己醇 辛醇 丁辛醇 庚醇 氯乙醇 苯甲醇 乙二醇 丙二醇 丙三醇 甘油 丁二醇 二甘醇 季戊四醇 二丙二醇 三甘醇 环己醇 二元醇 多元醇 TMP 三羟甲基丙烷 甲醛 乙醛 碳酰氯 三氯乙醛 乙酰氯 丙烯醛 丙醛 甲缩醛 丁烯醛 正丁醛 丁醛 三聚乙醛 乙缩醛 甲醚 氯甲醚 甲基乙烯基醚 甲乙醚 乙二醇甲醚 乙二醇乙醚 乙基乙烯基醚乙二醇单甲醚 乙二醇单乙醚 乙醚 乙丙醚 异丙醚 苯甲醚 苯乙醚 丁醚 戊醚 二苯醚 维生素A 维生素E 生物柴油 燃料乙醇 生物酒精 燃料酒精 NewTianjin Technology & Development Corporation Limited tianjin Corp. separation engineering packing packings tower towers heat exchange media heat sink media catalyst bed suppport catalyst bed supports hold down media hold-down media guard beds guard bed media mass transfer equipment tower packing metal packing random packing random dump packing structured packing tower packings metal packings ceramic packing electronic solvent recovery industrial solvent recovery TJH packing random packings random dump packings structured packings Jet Coflow Packing Tray JCPT tray Jet Coflow Valve Tray JCV Tray Improved Multiple Downcomer tray Improved MD Tray IMD tray MD tray Mist Eliminator Mist Eliminators demister demisters TJCW Mist Eliminator TJCW Demister Angle Vane-type Demister Angle Vane type Demister Angle Vane-type dust catcher WSY packing packing media internals tower internal tower internals catalyst carrier catalyst carriers custom catalyst carrier custom catalyst carriers bed support guard bed distributor distributors liquid distributor liquid distributors liquid collector liquid collectors bed limiter bed limiters field service field services tower installation installation services troubleshooting tower troubleshooting tower diagnostic tower diagnostics mass transfer installation refinery refining petrochemical petrochemical processing chemical chemical equipment chemical processing refinery tower erfinery towers chemical tower chemical towers petrochemical tower petrochemical towers specialty chemical specialty chemicals water treatment waste water treatment hydroprocessing hydrocarbon processing chemical engineering process engineering packings Tower Solutions pall ring pall pall ring pall rings fractionation fractionation tray fractionation trays valve tray valve trays high capacity tray high capacity trays high performance tray high performance trays distribution high surface area low surface area pressure drop low pressure drop efficiency high efficiency revamp revamping Bio-diesel biodiesel fuel alcohol fuel ethanol bio-ethanol

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【xtj.cn】新天进公司 New Tianjin Technology & Development Co. Ltd.  


关键词:天津市新天进科技开发有限公司 天进公司 新天进石化 石油化工 天然气化工 煤化工 炼油 化肥 精细化工 医药 农药 食品 冶金 环保 行业 分离工程 化工分离 蒸馏 精馏 吸收 解吸 解析 萃取 换热 反应精馏 研究 开发 设计 制造 咨询 服务 工业 电子 溶剂回收 金属 陶瓷 波纹 规整 塔 填料 塔填料 金属填料 丝网填料 陶瓷填料 规整填料 波纹规整填料 金属波纹规整填料 陶瓷波纹规整填料 TJH填料 TJH tjh填料 tjh tjb tjs TJB TJS WSY板花填料 wsy板花填料 塔板 塔盘 jcpt塔板 JCPT塔板 jcv塔板 JCV塔板 vfv塔板 VFV塔板 jcpt JCPT jcv JCV vfv VFV 浮阀塔板 改进的MD塔板 改进的多降液塔板 IMD 塔板 imd塔板 IMD imd 全有效区错流塔板 气体折流塔板 4A塔板 4a塔板 浮阀 传质单元 传质 TJCW除雾器 angel vane-type angle vane type 普通丝网除雾器 丝网除雾器 折板 折板除雾器 除沫器 除沫网 破沫网 除尘器 捕沫器 液体分布器 分布器 再分布器 收集再分布器 槽式分布器 盘式分布器 管式分布器 液体收集器 收集器 防壁流圈 填料支承 填料支撑 填料压板 填料压圈 支承 限位装置 催化反应精馏构件 催化反应蒸馏构件 阻火器 高效 塔内件 产品 填料塔 板式塔 流体力学试验台 流体力学实验台 冷模试验 热模实验 冷模实验 热模试验 ISO9001质量保证体系认证 ISO9001 质量保证 体系 认证 iso9000 ISO9000 iso9000复合式填料塔 并流喷射式复合塔 并流喷射填料塔板 全有效区塔板 新型高效除雾器 静态混合器 油水分离器 物系 苯酚 对苯二酚 邻甲酚 对甲酚 间甲酚 二甲酚 硝基 硝基甲烷 硝基乙烷 吡啶 环氧乙烷 环氧丙烷 PO EO 环氧丁烷 硫化氢 硫醇 二氧化硫 二硫化碳 二氧化碳 硫氧化碳 甲硫醇 乙硫醇 甲硫醚 二甲基亚砜 乙硫醚 环丁砜 萘 呋喃 四氢呋喃 糠醛 氧 氮 空气 空分 氕 氘 氚 重水 同位素 同分异构体 同系物 氮氧化物 一氧化二氮 四氧化二氮 二氧化氮 一氧化氮 一氧化碳 氟化氢 氯化氢 盐酸 氨 硝酸 HNO3 hno3 NO2 no2 CO2 co2 CO co 烟道气 脱硫 烟气甲胺 乙胺 二甲胺 一乙醇胺 二乙醇胺 乙二胺 苯胺 甲酰胺 乙酰胺 丙烯酰胺 酰胺 氢氰酸 氢氟酸 HF hf HCl hcl HCL 乙腈 丙烯腈 丙腈 丁二腈 丁腈 己二腈 甲酸甲酯 甲酸乙酯 乙酸乙酯 乙酸甲酯 乙酸乙烯酯 甲酯 乙酯 丙酯 丁酯 甲酸 乙酸 醋酸 丙烯酸 丙酸 甲基丙烯酸 正丁酸 异丁酸 戊酸 己酸 油酸 硬脂酸 苯甲酸 对苯二甲酸 pta PTA 顺酐 顺丁烯二酸酐 马来酸酐 富马酸 醋酐 丙酸酐 丙酐 乙酐 邻苯二甲酸酐 酸酐 丙酮 甲基乙基酮 甲乙酮 甲丙酮 甲基丙基酮 甲基异丙基酮 环己酮 甲基异丁基酮 苯基乙基酮 C1 甲烷 C2 乙烷 C3 丙烷 C4 异丁烷 正丁烷 液化石油气 液化气 LPG lpg C5 异戊烷 正戊烷 C6 己烷 CH 环己烷 C7 柴油 煤油 汽油 润滑油 石脑油 重油 原油 C10 C10芳烃 烃类 芳烃 醛类 酯类 醋酸酯 乙二醇单乙醚醋酸酯乙二醇单甲醚醋酸酯 环己烷 乙烯 丙烯 丙二烯 1-丁烯 丁烯-1 异丁烯 丁二烯 丁烯 戊烯 庚烯 戊二烯 环戊二烯 双环戊二烯 异戊二烯 环戊烯 环己烯 乙炔 丙炔 乙烯基乙炔 丁炔 VAC VCM 苯 甲苯 乙苯 苯乙烯 邻二甲苯 间二甲苯 对二甲苯 甲基苯乙烯 正丙苯 异丙苯 丙苯 三甲苯 四甲苯 均四甲苯 偏三甲苯 偏四甲苯 丁苯 正丁苯 异丁苯 仲丁苯 特丁苯 联苯 二苯甲烷 四氟乙烯 氟甲烷 癸烷 硅烷 四氯化碳 二氯甲烷 一氯甲烷 三氯甲烷 四氯甲烷 氯乙烷 五氯乙烷 六氯乙烷 氯丁烷 氯甲苯 二氯甲苯 三氯甲苯 四氯甲苯 五氯甲苯 氯丙烷 氯丁烷 溴甲烷 溴乙烷 溴丙烷 氯乙烯 碘甲烷 碘乙烷 碘丙烷 邻二氯苯 间二氯苯 对二氯苯 氯苯 氟苯 苄基 苄基苯 邻硝基氯苯 间硝基氯苯 对硝基氯苯 硝基苯 甲醇 乙醇 丙醇 丁醇 戊醇 戊醇 己醇 辛醇 丁辛醇 庚醇 氯乙醇 苯甲醇 乙二醇 丙二醇 丙三醇 甘油 丁二醇 二甘醇 季戊四醇 二丙二醇 三甘醇 环己醇 二元醇 多元醇 TMP 三羟甲基丙烷 甲醛 乙醛 碳酰氯 三氯乙醛 乙酰氯 丙烯醛 丙醛 甲缩醛 丁烯醛 正丁醛 丁醛 三聚乙醛 乙缩醛 甲醚 氯甲醚 甲基乙烯基醚 甲乙醚 乙二醇甲醚 乙二醇乙醚 乙基乙烯基醚乙二醇单甲醚 乙二醇单乙醚 乙醚 乙丙醚 异丙醚 苯甲醚 苯乙醚 丁醚 戊醚 二苯醚 维生素A 维生素E 生物柴油 燃料乙醇 生物酒精 燃料酒精 NewTianjin Technology & Development Corporation Limited tianjin Corp. separation engineering packing packings tower towers heat exchange media heat sink media catalyst bed suppport catalyst bed supports hold down media hold-down media guard beds guard bed media mass transfer equipment tower packing metal packing random packing random dump packing structured packing tower packings metal packings ceramic packing electronic solvent recovery industrial solvent recovery TJH packing random packings random dump packings structured packings Jet Coflow Packing Tray JCPT tray Jet Coflow Valve Tray JCV Tray Improved Multiple Downcomer tray Improved MD Tray IMD tray MD tray Mist Eliminator Mist Eliminators demister demisters TJCW Mist Eliminator TJCW Demister Angle Vane-type Demister Angle Vane type Demister Angle Vane-type dust catcher WSY packing packing media internals tower internal tower internals catalyst carrier catalyst carriers custom catalyst carrier custom catalyst carriers bed support guard bed distributor distributors liquid distributor liquid distributors liquid collector liquid collectors bed limiter bed limiters field service field services tower installation installation services troubleshooting tower troubleshooting tower diagnostic tower diagnostics mass transfer installation refinery refining petrochemical petrochemical processing chemical chemical equipment chemical processing refinery tower erfinery towers chemical tower chemical towers petrochemical tower petrochemical towers specialty chemical specialty chemicals water treatment waste water treatment hydroprocessing hydrocarbon processing chemical engineering process engineering packings Tower Solutions pall ring pall pall ring pall rings fractionation fractionation tray fractionation trays valve tray valve trays high capacity tray high capacity trays high performance tray high performance trays distribution high surface area low surface area pressure drop low pressure drop efficiency high efficiency revamp revamping Bio-diesel biodiesel fuel alcohol fuel ethanol bio-ethanol

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关键词:Coronavirus COVID-19 Man camps, Coronavirus COVID-19 large tents, Coronavirus COVID-19 office trailers, Coronavirus COVID-19 refrigeration units, Coronavirus COVID-19 light towers, Coronavirus COVID-19 generators, Coronavirus COVID-19 portable fuel cells, Coronavirus COVID-19 cool down fans, Coronavirus COVID-19 cool down trailers, Coronavirus COVID-19 tables and chairs, Coronavirus COVID-19 barriers, Coronavirus COVID-19 signs, Coronavirus COVID-19 safety personnel, Coronavirus COVID-19 medical personnel, Coronavirus COVID-19 PPE, Coronavirus COVID-19 Telemedicine, Coronavirus COVID-19 Field hospital, Coronavirus COVID-19 mass casualty, Coronavirus COVID-19 quarantine buildings, Coronavirus COVID-19 quarantine tents, Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic solutions, Corona virus solutions, Coronavirus COVID-19 mobile drive-through stations, COVID-19 Turnkey Packages, Coronavirus COVID-19 Man Site Set Up and Mobilization Team, Coronavirus COVID-19 Jobsite Supervisor (Safety Professional) to stay on site permanently, Coronavirus COVID-19 Daily Fueling and Maintenance of Assets, Coronavirus COVID-19 Nightly Decon (Hot Water Bleach formula) of Test Area, Coronavirus COVID-19 Management of Waste Services Including Manifesting, Coronavirus COVID-19 Radio Communications Package, Coronavirus COVID-19 8x40 Office Trailer, Coronavirus COVID-19 Air Conditioning, Coronavirus COVID-19 Data Ports, Coronavirus COVID-19 Portable Internet System, Coronavirus COVID-19 3 Desks with Chairs, Coronavirus COVID-chairs, Coronavirus COVID-19 dry erase boards, Coronavirus COVID-19 HEPA filter with UV light, Coronavirus COVID-19 125 KVA Generator with Distribution Panel and Cabling, Coronavirus COVID-19 500 Gal Double Wall Fuel Tank with Fuel Pump, Coronavirus COVID-19 Extended Reach Forklift 6K, Coronavirus COVID-19 Portable Light Towers, Coronavirus COVID-19 Electric Reefer Unit, Coronavirus COVID-19 Trailer Mounted Self Contained Hot Water Decon Pressure Washer, Coronavirus COVID-19 8x20 Portable Tents, Coronavirus COVID-19 Large Fans, Coronavirus COVID-19 Non Medical Trash 20yd Roll Off Waste Container, Coronavirus COVID-19 20 Yd Roll Off Waste Container for bagged medical waste, Coronavirus COVID-19 Traffic Cones, Coronavirus COVID-19 LED Traffic MSG Boards Trailer Mounted, Coronavirus COVID-19 Onsite Portable Living Trailer for onsite Supervisor, Coronavirus COVID-19 500 BBL Frac Tank for Potable Water Storage, Coronavirus COVID-19 120Qt Ice Chests, Coronavirus COVID-19 Portolets with Daily Service, Coronavirus COVID-19 Hand Washing Station with 2 per week service, Coronavirus COVID-19 Cool Down Trailer, Coronavirus COVID-19 Transportation In and Out of all Assets, Coronavirus COVID-19 Waste Haul off and Disposal, Coronavirus COVID-19 Potable Water, Coronavirus COVID-19 Fuel, Coronavirus COVID-19 Ice, Coronavirus, Corona Virus, COVID-19, Pandemic, Pandemic Solutions, Antiviral Solutions, Decontamination Solutions, Triage Units, Screening Units, Coronavirus Screening Units, Coronavirus Testing Units, Quarantine Base Camps, Corona Virus Base Camps, Corona Virus Lock Down Base Camps, Corona Virus Military Base Camps, Medical Testing Facilities, Corona Virus Medical Testing Facilities, COVID-19 Pandemic Solutions, COVID-19 Antiviral Solutions, COVID-19 Decontamination Solutions, COVID-19 Triage Units, COVID-19 Screening Units, COVID-19 Screening Units, COVID-19 Testing Units, COVID-19 Quarantine Base Camps, COVID-19 Base Camps, COVID-19 Lock Down Base Camps, COVID-19 Military Base Camps, COVID-19 Medical Testing Facilities, Medical Screening Temporary Buildings, Medical Testing Temporary Buildings, Temporary Medical Testing Facilities, Temporary Medical Lock Down Base Camps, Coronavirus Epidemic, Corona Virus Epidemic, COVID-19 Epidemic, Corona Virus Quarantine Tents, Decon Units, Decontamination Units, Corona Virus Decon Units, COVID-19 Decontamination Units, COVID-19 Decon Units, Corona Virus Decontamination Units, Infectious Disease Quarantine Facilities, Corona Virus Disease 2020, Infectious Disease Testing Units, Infectious Disease Testing Facilities, Infectious Disease Screening Units, Infectious Disease Screening Facilities, Waste Minimization, Production Vessel and Process Equipment Cleaning, Facility topside prep, decommissioning, prep and decommissioning, Flex-lancing, drain maintenance, Hull column ISIP inspection, Pipeline and ICP flushing, pipeline, above ground storage tanks, Printed circuit heat exchanger cleaning, Confined space entry monitoring and rescue, Particle filtering, chemical cleaning, pickling, passivation of new heat exchanger piping, Glycol media system cleaning, amine media system cleaning, heat media system cleaning, Production vessel internal retrofits, Equipment rentals, pressure washer, pumps, hoses, Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material, removal solutions, full-service solutions, NORM, decontamination, remediation, waste processing, waste, tank cleaning, vessel cleaning, environmental services, integrated services, remediation, restoration, soil, upland, wetland, marsh, underwater, pits, total site restoration, site restoration, facility decommissioning, demolition, facility demolition, tanks, vessels, equipment, facility structure, compressor stations, Concrete slabs, Lease roads, Pipeline abandonment, pipeline removal, Land & Facility Environmental Surveys, Land and Facility Environmental Surveys and Assessments, NORM confirmatory, NORM confirmatory, release surveys, Environmental assessments and sampling, Environmental assessment, environmental sampling, Land profiling and sampling, Wetland and underwater sampling, wetland survey, underwater sampling, underwater surveys, environmental sampling, land profiling, land sampling, Creative Planning and Execution, coastal and wetland permitting, Tank battery cleaning services, Spill clean-ups, spill restorations, Plug and abandonment well site services, well site services, Site decommission, demolition, restoration services, Closed loop services, Rig surface rental equipment, Rig up and rig down services of CPT equipment, CPT equipment, Torqueing and lifting, Torqueing and lifting technology, lifting technology, torqueing technology, Construction Services, roads, pads, pits, dirt moving projects, reduce time in confined spaces, confined spaces, automated technology, Amine System Cleaning and Rehabilitation, Glycol System Sampling, Cleaning and Rehabilitation, Particle Filtering, Chemical Cleaning, Platform Washdown, Drain Maintenance, Offshore Pipeline Decommission, Flushing and Pickling, Compressor Lubrication Oil Systems, Flex Lancing Facility, Deck Drains, Inner-connected Production Process Piping, Vessel Maintenance Cleaning and Degassing, Tank and Vessel Maintenance, Product Tubing, NORM Survey of Equipment, waste containerization, vacuum technology and filtration,vacuum technology, mobile air movers, local disposal options, increased efficiency, logistics and transportation, automated mud tank cleaning system, mud tank cleaning, waste handling and disposal, Soil Remediation, Well Plug and Abandonment, NORM Site Assessments, Equipment, Barge and Rig Contamination Surveys, Encapsulation, On-Site Sludge De-Watering and Water Treatment,water treatment, sludge, de-watering, Waste Minimization, Separation and Segregation, waste separation, waste segregation, waste processing, waste blending, waste grinding, waste slurrying, waste pumping, waste injection, Waste Analysis, waste characterization, disposal monitoring, cribbing removal


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